Tag Archives: Buying Memories

Buying Memories

If you are a parent, there is a fine line between celebrating special days and spoiling your children.  Birthday parties, Christmas presents and surprises always make some sort of impact on kids.  These events leave an imprint, a way of expressing your love.  However, is there ever a time when buying memories becomes superficial, fake or over the top?

But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever, 1 Timothy 5:8.

As a son of an immigrant, I was always taught to be frugal.  From my grandmother down to my parents, wasting money on unnecessary splurges was frowned upon.  Thus, I’ve become a tightwad, careful to make what little I do have last.  Yet, during my oldest son’s last Spring Break as a high school senior, I let my guard down.  This moment of weakness led to an unprecedented spending spree in an attempt to buy memories for a life time.

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous, Proverbs 13:22.

Although it was difficult to say goodbye to hundreds of dollars that is now gone, I am at peace with how the money was spent.  Several foul balls at the Phillies’ game were just in front of us or right over our heads.  The conversation over an expensive seafood meal was enjoyable and at times made me laugh.  When you add my daughter finding a whole sand dollar while snorkeling and my oldest son digging up a perfect shark tooth, our time together was priceless.  Therefore, if you ever have the opportunity in the future to leave a lasting impression, buying memories when the time is right will bring you unexpected joy.

by Jay Mankus